These are some of our customers:

  • Catalana de Frascos: Catalan family business devoted to manufacturing bottles through processed glass tube.
  • De Ruy Perfumes: Spanish Company with over 85 years of experience in the perfume and cosmetics industry.
  • Verescence: international company located in 7 countries and specialised in glass bottle manufacturing for the perfume and cosmetics industry.
  • ISDIN: pharmaceutical company which leads the sales of dermatological products in Spain.
  • F. Cosmetics: represents and distributes in Spain and Portugal brands such as Zignago Vetro, Verreries Brosse, and a wide selection of components from other brands in the world.
  • Quimi Romar: consolidated company with over 40 years’ experience in the development, production, and distribution of high quality household goods, perfumes, and cosmetics.
  • Rafesa: Catalan Company which offers innovative packaging solutions for the perfume, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry.
  • Alglass: family business which manufactures and commercializes glass containers for the perfume and cosmetics industry since 1962 in Barcelona.
  • Laboratorios Feltor: pharmaceutical laboratory in topical use products.
  • Equivalenza: perfume franchise network with high quality in-house products and affordable prices.
  • Soffieria mezzadri: Italian company specialised in packaging on glass and plastic.
  • Moncosmetic: Catalan company founded in 1995 by the Monreal Miró family, having extensive experience in the field of decorative cosmetics.
  • RNB Cosméticos: cosmetics laboratory which provides products for Mercadona.
  • Mixer & Pack: Spanish company specialised in the manufacturing of selective perfume and cosmetics products-
  • You Cosmetics: Catalan company specialised in the manipulation of cosmetics, perfume and gift products.
  • Marti Tor: pharmacy specialised in the elaboration of individualized dermatological products.